
Giethoorn sailing route map

Different color sailing routes

The ‘Sailing route map Giethoorn’ shows different colors of sailing routes. At the top left is how long each route takes from the starting point ‘Koppers’. Our location is indicated in the center of the map with a black arrow. Upon arrival at Koppers boat rental, you will receive a sailing route map from the boat rental company. This map is of course also explained. Along the way, follow the arrows of your chosen color, which are indicated on the sheeting or on wooden posts in or along the water. In addition to the arrows, also keep an eye on a number of landmarks, which are depicted on the sailing route map and have been designated by the boat rental company.

Yellow sailing route b

The yellow sailing route b on the Giethoorn sailing route map leads you through the center of Giethoorn, across the lake ‘het Bovenwijde’ and through a piece of nature reserve in the Weerribben-Wieden National Park. The yellow route is about 2.5 hours sailing from boat rental Koppers. This route can easily be shortened to 2 hours by boat. For example, by going up ‘het Bovenwijde’ at the windmill without blades/pole 1.

Green route

The green route leads you through the center of the village, through a piece of nature reserve of National Park Weerribben-Wieden, over the lake ‘het Molengat’, through a polder and through the village of Dwarsgracht. The green route is about 3.5 hours sailing from boat rental Koppers.

Red route

The red route leads you through the center of the village, through a huge part of nature reserve of National Park Weerribben-Wieden and over the lake ‘het Molengat’, The red route is about 4 hours sailing from boat rental Koppers.

Own route

Of course it is also possible to put together a route yourself or in consultation with the boat rental company. However, you must adhere to the one-way traffic in the village canal from post 5 to post 1. Furthermore, the sailing time is more difficult to estimate when thinking up a route yourself.